Hearing Aids & Accessories

Being an independently owned hearing clinic gives us the freedom to provide hearing devices from any of the major brands, giving you full freedom to choose the products that are right for you.

The Latest Technology

From Bluetooth connectivity to rechargeable batteries, hearing aid technology is constantly advancing, and Niagara Hearing & Health ensures you’ll have access to the latest and most up to date technology.


Similar to BTE hearing aids, but with the receiver/speaker fitted inside the ear canal. 

Waterproof Hearing Aids

Featuring a waterproof housing, these hearing aids can be worn while swimming without worry.

Behind The Ear (BTE)

Easily the most popular style, BTE hearing aids housing rests outside of the outer ear.

Custom Hearing Aids

Measured and made to match your ears, these hearing aids are personalized just for you.

Pediatric Hearing Aids

Made to be more durable than adult hearing aids, and often produced in bright and fun colours.


As hearing aids advance, so too do the accessories and peripherals that go with them. With everything from remote microphones and adapters, to accessories for sports and active lifestyles, Niagara Hearing & health will have just what you need.

Remote Mic

These mics focus in on speech in noisy environments, giving your hearing aids a leg up in ability and accuracy.


Extremely accurate and easy to pair, the Roger-On line of remote mics are a cut above the rest.

Remote Control 

Adjust your hearing aids settings on the fly with these easy to use and program remote controls.

TV Connector

Connect your hearing aids directly to your TV or other audio devices in your home and listen to your favourite programs wirelessly.

Custom Ear Protection

With advanced products like the Phonak Serenity Choice Plus, you can customize and tailor a hearing protection solution that works for you. These devices cancel out damaging noises and loud sounds while still letting in important sounds and speech.

Visit Niagara for a consultation to understand your hearing and receive a customized treatment plan.

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